our services

how it works

3d print


3D Printing can be used to create prototypes along with end products.
It’s very popular among hobbyist/craft makers/ artists and rapidly evolving industrial product development sector.
Looking for FDM or SLA printing services? We can provide both.
Reasonable build sizes and wide range of high quality materials.

From £18


Functional prototypes, home décor, jewellery, office stationery, gadgets, gaming miniatures, etc.

We have experience creating hard surface object and organic shapes. 

Speak to us about your requirements.

From £30


If you’re looking to scan small objects this is the right place.

We offer precise scanning service at affordable price.

Wide range of use! Anything from gaming miniatures to automotive parts, but not only.


  • Objects as small as 30x30x30mm up to 200x200x200mm 

  • ≤0.05mm accuracy

  • 3D printable files

  • Full data capture


From £35


Looking to improve surface finish for product presentation or just want it to look nice on the shelf. We can help with gluing, filling, sanding or painting.

As you perhaps know, 3d printed objects have their specific look. Imperfections have they own charm, some of you may like them, others want them to be closer to injection moulded finish. 

Bringing 3d printed objects to specific finish requires time and patience. If you don’t have any of those you are in the right place.

Feel free to discuss it once placing the order.

From £15

Looking for something else?

chat with us, check out our online store or visit about us page to see our past projects.

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